You must have come across different forms of yoga, while searching for quality yoga education. Amongst these Hatha yoga seems to be one of the best forms to start with, especially for beginners. When you enrol for a yoga ttc in India, the first yoga form which you encounter is Hatha Yoga. So, why is it taught in the prelims? Let us find out today.
But, before you unearth the reasons why it is popularly taught in the yoga teacher training course, you must find out what it is.
Decoding Hatha Yoga
Hatha yoga is an ancient yoga form, which you will come across in the beginning days of your yoga life. It is the most authentic and standard form of yoga, which you will probably learn. The realm of Hatha Yoga mainly uses physical poses to stimulate different parts of the body. The very letters or syllables, ‘ha’ and ‘tha’ mean sun and moon. It is their union which assumes so much importance here. You can trace back the origins of this yoga form to the scripts like Hatha Yoga Pradipika. It was in the 15th century, when Svatmarama wrote the texts related to Hatha Yoga.
However, contrary to popular belief, yoga is not about the physical side only. It is true that Hatha Yoga concentrates on the stability of the physical body at first, but it migrates to the mental and spiritual planes as well, slowly. Some proponents of yoga also believe it to be an offshoot of Raja Yoga.
So, there are certain tools of practice in the realm of Hatha Yoga. You should know about them in detail. Moreover, when you join a renowned Gurukul, like Living Yoga School, you can learn about this form in its authentic and raw form. It will set the foundation for the rest of your life and career.
What Is Taught In Hatha Yoga?
Hatha Yoga happens to be a very gentle form of yoga, which everyone can practice. The main aim is to strike a balance between the physical plane and the spiritual plane. You can choose yoga ttc in India to take your yoga practice to an entirely new level altogether.
In general, a typical Hatha Yoga class includes the following.
- Asana practice – You will be taking part in different asanas. These are required to strengthen your body, and fix the issues within, so that you can move on to higher realms of spirituality.
- Pranayama – This is breathing practice, which assumes a lot of importance in the realm of yoga. In the beginning, you are taught how to manipulate your breath in this form. But slowly, you can actually allow the breath to guide your movements. Living Yoga School is one of the top schools in this realm which teaches Pranayama unhindered.
- ShatKarma Kriyas – You can practice the internal purification techniques, under a renowned teacher at the school. Some of the techniques worth mentioning are Basti, Neti, Nauli, and Kapal bhati.
- Mudra – These are also important in Hatha Yoga, wherein you make shapes and gestures with your fingers and hands. There are head mudras as well, which you learn in advance stages. These mudras work subtly on the nerves.
- Mantra Chanting – Although yoga is non-religious, it can impact your mind and soul through mantras which we generally chant during auspicious occasions. The mantras help in releasing pent-up emotions and also connect one with the universe.
- Meditation – At the core of all yoga practices, meditation seems to occupy an important part. It connects you with the higher realm and impacts the mind-brain function.
You will be able to learn all of the above, and probably a lot more, depending on which school you join. Rishikesh, without any doubt is one of the first places where yoga education started taking shape. Living Yoga School is an authentic yoga school in India, which teaches yoga in a refined manner.
Hatha Yoga Benefits
When you enrol for a yoga ttc in India, within some time, you start seeing the benefits. Let us unearth a few of them.
- Hatha yoga practice helps in improving your mobility and flexibility.
- It also improves the metabolism.
- You will be getting relief from several aches and pains.
- Your lymphatic system will get a boost as well.
- Your lungs and heart start functioning in a better manner.
- You will be able to bring a balance between your parasympathetic and sympathetic system.
- You will also notice an improvement in your sleep patterns.
These are just a few of the physical benefits, which you will experience. But that’s not all. You will also experience lots of mental benefits.
- You focus and concentration slowly improves and increases, as a result of yoga practice.
- You can calm down your frayed nerves.
- It also helps in managing mental fatigue.
- Your learning abilities are also stimulated.
Thus, Hatha Yoga is the foundation of other yoga forms. Once you master it, you can master any other yoga form with gusto.
Final Words
You must ensure to learn Hatha yoga under trained experts like the ones at Living Yoga School. Where you learn it has a lot of impact. The best learning happens in schools such as these. Go for yoga ttc in India today.